Yo soy un poblano
These days one of my favorite vegetables to prepare are Chiles Poblanos. When roasted, their flavor is complex, smoky, and mildly spicy.

From here, I like to cut them into strips and toss them into a pan with onions that have been sauteeing already for about 5 minutes. Continue cooking the twosome for 10 minutes and then finish them off with a couple tablespoons of cream, half & half, crema mexicana or whatever is calling out to you.
A simple method is to roast them directly on the stovetop gas flame. Within no time their flesh becomes blistered and charred, turning into mummified versions of their former selves.
With a little patience, the skin slips right off. But don't use water otherwise you'll wash away some of the lovely juice and flavor! Slit them from stem to blossom end and gently brush away the seeds.

From here, I like to cut them into strips and toss them into a pan with onions that have been sauteeing already for about 5 minutes. Continue cooking the twosome for 10 minutes and then finish them off with a couple tablespoons of cream, half & half, crema mexicana or whatever is calling out to you.
Enjoy with fresh, homemade corn tortillas (or ones just reheated on the comal) and a sprinkling of queso fresco.
Buen Provecho!