Baldwin Park Community Garden - February
Several miles east of where I live and work lies a community garden that has been slowly taking shape over the past couple of years. Though in the past it has experienced various levels of neglect, it now seems to have gotten into its groove and looks spectacular. This garden is unique among community gardens because it serves not the general community per se, but several fourth grade classes from Baldwin Park Unified School District who visit once per month to plant, harvest and learn. During the rest of the month, the garden is looked after by volunteer Master Gardeners.

This past month I was invited to take part as a guest chef in a the "Nutrition in the Community Garden" program. Developed by the uber-fabulous Linda Hahn (pictured below), the goals of the program are to introduce kids to fresh vegetables, gardening and simple recipes they can prepare at home for themselves. Everytime I participate in her program I am impressed with the success that Linda has in engaging the kids. Her teaching style manages to be ebullient, concise and informative. She's amazing and the kids just love her program.

While I was waiting for the kids to arrive from their schools, I toured the garden pretending I was a paparazzi to the vegetable world.
Again--beautiful pictures. I liked your account of the community garden--this is something I've been thinking about in a desultory way for around here (Cleveland). I think more could be done, and I'm thinking of getting involved.
What a beautiful day in the garden! It is so wonderful to read about programs that introduce kids to the wonders of where their food comes from--and how good it tastes straight from the garden. Thanks for sharing this. And I absolutely love the cabbage photo. Thanks, too, for the turnip and apple salad recipe you left in a comment on my blog. : )
Lucette -
Participating in a community garden can be really rewarding. In an urban areas, like Los Angeles or Cleveland, it's a great way to utilize empty lots, beautify neighborhoods and give those who don't have yards an opportunity to grow some edibles. Often communtiy gardens are credited with bringing up a stuggling neighborhood. It happened here in Echo Park, a neighborhood just a little ways from downtown. The property that the neighborhood gardeners took over had a crack house with tons of gang activity. The City made the owner tear down the house and rent it to community gardeners for $1/year for $5/years. Sadly, it's not an active garden anymore (a tragic story for another day), but the neighborhood sure has seen it's value go up!
Farmgirl -
Thanks for stopping by! I wish I had some cookies for you. :) Just gotta say that for this city girl you make farm living look like a piece of cake. yummmm, cake.... Enjoy the turnip salad! I'll be teaching a class on cabbage next week and I need to find a cabbage salad recipe that will appeal to Latinas on a tight budget. I'm thinking something similiar to Salvadoran Curtido. Maybe.
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